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director of trade中文是什么意思

用"director of trade"造句"director of trade"怎么读"director of trade" in a sentence


  • 贸易司司长


  • Personal assistant to director of trade and investment for china
    Lin gonputh贸易投资参赞私人助理
  • " we ' re so grateful for the incredible donations we receive from the community , but like any retailer there are things we can and cannot sell , " chris coe , oxfam ' s director of trading , said on tuesday . " increasingly people are just giving us rubbish . " he told bbc radio that such an example of unwanted goods was the box of assorted false teeth donated on monday to the charity ' s store in wimbledon
    该委员会贸易部主管克里斯科9月6日表示, “社会各界如此踊跃地捐赠各种物品不禁令我们心存感激,但如同任何一家零售商那样,对我们来说这些东西有的是可以卖出的,有的则是无法卖掉的” , “越来越多的人将我们这里当做了处理垃圾物品的场所” 。
用"director of trade"造句  
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